There has never been a more important time to stay happy and connected to one another than right now.

2020 is going to go down in history as the year we stayed apart but connected more. 


It’s strange times we are having right now. The coronavirus, job losses and businesses closing down. The world is placed on pause. How long will this last? The unknown is a cause for anxiety and rightly so. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much gratitude for technology and wifi as I do right now. I hope that you are all staying healthy and safe and caring for you and your loved ones.

With so much stress around at the moment, it’s a good time to reach out and give. Because giving feels good and makes you feel happy. When you feel happy, you release endorphins into your body and this helps you to stay on top of your immunity.

Now more than ever, we need to let our people know that we are thinking of them, especially when they are in self isolation.


At The Gifting Pot, we have spent time sourcing, collecting and curating the perfect products for our gifting pots. Products that say “thank you” or “‘I’m thinking of you” or even “get well soon”. Products that when packaged together make a gift pot that sings of happiness and wellness. And right now, there are plenty of us who could do with some of that. 

The good thing about The Gifting Pot is that our service is 100% online, meaning you can order and pay online and we offer contactless delivery to the Perth Metro area. This ensures that we are adhereing to the current social distancing laws to ensure our safety, yours and that of the gift receiver. 

We are committed to following current safety and hygiene guidelines. At The Gifting Pot headquarters, we are washing our hands before and after creating your gift pots. We sanitise all surfaces and have contactless delivery. So whilst there will be no handshkes, highfives or hugs for the time being, you can feel safe in knowing that we have santised our hands before and after delivering your gift pot. 

Whilst there are plenty of studies out there to confirm the benefit of giving, however, at this current time, we also need to keep ourselves and our community safe. In this current climate of constant change and the unknown, there are plenty of opportunities to safely give to others without breaking the bank balance. 

  1. Give of your time – volunteering in person might be out of the question for awhile due to new social distancing guidelines. But, there are plenty of Community Coronavirus Groups popping up online. You can connect with one of these and offer your time to grocery shop for a person in your community who is in isolation.
  2. Got an elderly neighbour in your street? Why not volutneer some time in their garden – mow the law, pull some weeds or offer to put their bins out (pracitsing hand sanitising and social distnacing of course)
  3. Call or arrange online catch ups with your family and friends or members of your community that you know are housebound.
  4. Give Blood. Our hospitals always need blood to help save the lives of others. If you are healthy and meet the criteria, you can still give blood. here’s the link: Give Lifeblood
  5. Just be kind. Kindness is a gift in itself. Whilst you are practicing social distancing, you can still smile, wave, speak kind words and be patient with yourself and others.

Take care of yourself and each other. Remember we are all in this together and we are all doing the best we can. 

Love and air hugs, Lyn and the team at The Gifting Pot